Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy with my Ubuntu...

Happy with my Ubuntu..
Sung to the tune of "Stuck In The Middle With You"

Well I don't know but my computer won't load right
I got the feeling that something ain't right
It's so bloated with crap I don't think that it's fair
and I'm wondering how It'll boot next year
PC Clones to the left of me,
Mac Jokers to the right, here I am
Happy as a clam with my Ubuntu.

Yes, I'm happy with my Linux Ubuntu
And I'm wondering what what it can do?
Its so hard to keep this smile from my face,
No virus's sneaking into my geek space
PC Clones to the left of me,
Apple Jokers to the right, here I am
Happy as a clam with my Ubuntu.

The Registry started out as nothing
But bloated with their plans
And the programs they all were a crawlin,
Blue screens of death make you say,
Please.... Please....

FLOSS can make some sense of it all,
DRM makes no sense at all,
When your programs crash to the floor,
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore
Clones to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, happy with my Ubuntu.

Issues with Linux Mint (or Debian Linux) and Xsane

#notetoself So, today, I was playing around with a new PC setup. And of course there was an issue with the HP Scanner. - I generally use Xsa...