Monday, November 22, 2010

Blender Foundations: The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.6 By Roland Hess

Hey everyone, this is just going to be a really quick pimping of a friends product. His book.  I met Roland at OLF 2008, and he's a really great guy and he and I enjoyed picking on other people at our table. - That's the key to being a great guy in my book. Speaking of Books, he spoke about his then published book,  a guide on how to use Blender, and NOW he's got a new book out now, and I'd like to recommend it to any of my friends, and myself. Blender Foundations: The Essential Guide to Learning Blender 2.6 (9780240814308): Roland Hess: Books

You can also check out Pimping The Penguin's Amazon Store for other Blender books, too.. :)

Oh yea. One last thing.
Do You use blender?
Do you plan on it?

And if it was as easy to do as writing a bog post, would you???

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