Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to make Bulging Eyes with the GIMP

I tend to live dangerous. Sometimes the risk is a calculated one, like taking a friends picture and then messing around with the GIMP to create some "Photo Harassment".  I suppose I ought to do a few blog posts and tag them here so I can "showcase" my crude photo edits.  1st, I want to thank Richard Querin for not sending me a pipe bomb in the mail after I "fixed" his photo. 

This one is a fairly quick and easy thing to do.  First you want to select the eyes with the Ellipse tool, and once you've got the first Ellipse where you want it with your selection, press Shift and Click again to create a second Ellipse.  Be careful it's easy to mess up and end up with to many Ellipse's. 

Note: At this point you might want to save the file as an .xcf file if you've done any cropping, etc, just in case.

Ok, so now that you've got both eyes selected, you need to filter the selected area. Menu > Filters > Distort > Iwarp.

Alright, now that you've got the Iwarp filter up, you can choose how you want to animate the eyes. Shrink, Grow, ect...   Make your choices,  and then select the Animate Tab, and also make some selections, I usually leave the defaults as they are, and choose 3-6 frames. Remember each frame is going to make the picture larger, and take it longer to load. 

Now save your file as a .gif, and make sure you save it (or export is it says) as an animation, or else, everything you've done so far will not come out. 

And Viola! you'll have a snazzy or freaky picture to show for your troubles. :) 

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